life is tough

on Wednesday, May 26, 2010
So people for those of you who don't know.. My beloved nanijan passed away after 2 days of my mamoo passing away... She just cudn't live without her beloved son... She was the most beautiful and perfect lady i had seen... She loved everyone ... She loved me alot and i loved her... I would never forgive her and no one will ever replace her... She will be missed alot.... I've cried alot for her... She was like the "Dua denay wali machine" for our family.... Hope my Mom and family have the strength to move on... Hmm...


Rahima said...

that's rough mate.
May they both rest in peace and may God grant them heaven.

Ubaid said...

May both rest in peace....

~RainDrops said...

Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Elayhi Rajioun. Hope all the best for you and ur family.

I Zaydi said...

MAY BOTH REST IN PEACE... MAY ALLAH grant you and your family patience on your great loss..

Uni said...

May she be in a real happy place right now, Ameen. My condolences for the two losses in your family. Stay strong.