
on Wednesday, August 12, 2009
close your eyes
let me touch you now
let me give you something that is real
close the door
leave your fears behind
let me give you what you're giving me
you are the only thing
that makes me want to live at all
when i am with you
there's no reason to pretend
that when i am with you i feel flames again
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave


Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Theres no one to whom i can sing this song to....

Naina said...

awweee..LPS.. soon there will be someone.. god bless.. cheer up!

Closed eyes... said...

Hmmmm. You'll find someone.

.PaNdOrA said...

me too =/..i want someone also..but i like the song

Americanising Desi said...

very heart felt :)