Messed up

on Sunday, August 8, 2010
How much can a person be messed up... I mean there should be a limit to these things... You shouldn't just keep on getting messed up more every day... I'm so feeling weird right now... Im so bad too my parents... Im so bad to myself.. Im so bad to my stupid brain... I need help... I definitely need help... I wana just leave everything and walk away from my life... Yea thats what should i do... Just leave everything and walk away... Fuckk... Im just soo unbelievably messed up.... Somebody help me... But be warned i usually run away from people who try to help me...


Anonymous said...

*sigh* You need a help from a Stone Hearted, Good Bless YOU

a charred soul said...

Had running away from life been a solution from everything, 'messed up minds' wouldn't have existed. Running away is so easy...

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

@A charred Soul: yea i know tht...

Anonymous said...

sorry i vanished out for so long! too much going on. hope you feel better soon :(

Biya said...

i think running away from situations make them worse.. try facing them or rather solving them.. if still complicated confide in a friend.. and ya parents never hate their kids..

Anonymous said...

Dude whats wrong?

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Same old thing... But a little too much for me to handle i guess...

Anonymous said...

I feel the SAME at times, but then its okay :) You are in a condition better than many out there.
If feeling terrible to the extreme, pen down your feelings, and burn the paper!

AcetylCholine said...

I'm going through the same phase right now. Tsk. Let me know if you have found a remedy for it.