Yes Your Right.

on Friday, September 3, 2010
Yes i only blog when i'm feeling weird... Sad.. Depressed... Not happy.... When i'm having fun or being happy i don't blog that much.... Today i'm feeling tired... And i wanted to party but no one was free.... Shit happens... I don't know what is gona happen in the next few months or maybe a year or so... The world around me is not so good either... Still people are dying everyday.... So its not like i should be feeling any better because of the atmosphere around me... Anyways.. just don't feel like writing anymore... I need some kind of inspiration for me to move forward....


a charred soul said...

Well, you should blog when you are happy too. I am sure people would like to read some happy confessions too Mr.Lonely Perverted Soul. :)

a charred soul said...

Well, you should blog when you are happy too. I am sure people would like to read some happy confessions too Mr.Lonely Perverted Soul. :)