I like mother's day

on Sunday, May 9, 2010
So seriously im a momma's boy... i can't think of living without my mom... She take cares of everything... Even today she made me breakfast... she never gets tired of making me breakfast or making me eat my breakfast or lunch or dinner.... even when i always reject it... i can't even think of day when she didn't say to me keh khana kha lo... She always takes care of me and doesn't care about herself.... No matter how late i come she always gets up to open the door and to make sure that i have eaten.... She always tries to make me happy... I soo love you mom... Even though i maybe the worst person to have as a kid... And im never good to you... but your always good to me... I love you the most... Im sorry for all the trouble and pain that i caused... i'll love you always and forever...

So this time i thought i should take out my mom for lunch and shopping... So i did... I like Mothers day... it reminds to be good to my mom... it reminds me to promise myself that ill give my mom more time... But i never do...She deserves so much for me... I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!!!!!


Killer Drama said...

that's sweet :)

Americanising Desi said...

for us every day is mother's day!
and yet we kinda over look the fact and stay a little more used to the days on the calender only!

nitwit said...

visit ma blog dere is mthing 4 u

nitwit said...

sweet post